Weather in August/September varies a lot in Brazil depending on where you are. Pipa has an average range of 73 to 89oF (23-32ºC), but São Paulo can reach temperatures as low as 57 oF (14ºC).
If you are going to a hotter place, you may prefer to wear lightweight clothes (cotton and natural fibers) and do not forget to wear sunscreen and a cap/hat on while walking or going to the beach.
People dress very much like in the United States. You can wear shorts, T-shirts, dresses, strapless blouses, ... like everywhere, jeans are very common.
Please note that government buildings do not allow men to enter without pants and closed-toe shoes. When entering churches, women should not wear very short or low-necked clothes.
For some shops, shopping malls or restaurants, people do not like when customers come in wearing beachwear – while it’s not always forbidden, it’s certainly frowned-upon. So, unless you are going somewhere very close to the beach, put some clothes to cover your bikini.
For most pubs/bars, unless it’s directly on the beach, men must wear shoes or sneakers to enter (no flip-flops or beach wear during the evening, but these rules are certainly more relaxed in a beach town like Pipa). In many bars, it’s common to see some people who are very well-dressed, like women in high heels, but it’s no problem if you’re wearing jeans and flats or sandals.
Note that many places have air-conditioners: you can go from the absolute heat outside to the freezing cold inside, so bring a cardigan or sweater if you are going to a shopping mall or even a closed restaurant.
Pro tip: Don’t wear socks and sandals on the streets! You will be recognized as a gringo from blocks away!